Spiritual Gifts
Knowing your Spiritual Gifts can open doors for great ways to serve the Lord. A Spiritual Gift Inventory is available to you! By answering a list of questions, your strengths can emerge in possibly unexpected ways.
You can:
Obtain an inventory from the TEAM MINISTRY spiritual gifts analysis online. They are a third-party ministry offering an assessment tool that takes about 20 minutes to complete in your own home. Click here to take the SURVEY.
Review the results to determine which ministry your gifts may best suited to fulfill. If you'd like a pastor to help you decide where to start, click this link to make a connection.
The following list may assist you in further understanding the results of your survey.
ADMINISTRATION: Leader/Organizer - The inward motivation to organize and coordinate the activities and efforts of others and to set goals for them to meet in these efforts.
EVANGELISM: To Bring The Good News - The enablement to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that they respond and move forward in a saving relationship with Christ.
EXHORTATION: Encourager/Advisor - The inward motivation to stimulate action in others through Biblical counsel and to outline practical steps others should take to overcome problems.
GIVING: Contributor/Supporter - The inward motivation to provide financial support for other worthwhile people, projects and organizations and to wisely use and invest money to provide for such support.
MERCY: Comforter/Empathizer - The inward motivation to identify with the emotions of others and to provide comfort to those who are in emotional distress.
PROCLAIMING/PROPHECY: Prophesier/Protector - The inward motivation to publicly speak out concerning what is perceived as God's truth and to reveal what is right and wrong.
SERVING: Helper/Provider - The inward motivation to detect legitimate needs others have and to find practical ways to provide for these needs ... often using the abilities of other within the body of Christ to meet the need.
SHEPHERD/PASTOR: To Shepherd A Flock - The divine ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward a deeper relationship with Christ.
TEACHING: Researcher/Instructor - The inward motivation to carefully research truth and to clearly present truth to the others in such a way that it will be easy to learn.